Welcome from the National Director

Rev. Andrew and Fiona Marshall have two married daughters and one grandchild. They have been involved in pastoral leadership at Blockhouse Bay Community Churches since 1996 and Andrew has been the National Director of the Alliance since 2010
We Are Alliance
The Alliance Churches of New Zealand is a Christ Centred, Bible Believing, Spirit Filled, Missional Movement of Local Churches committed to building healthy Churches in New Zealand and around the World.
Our churches represent the diversity of the Kingdom of God providing services in a variety of languages including English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese. Through our diversity we are united on mission as the Alliance family in Aotearoa and enjoy working together and sharing resources to see Jesus lifted up as Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King.
Our movement is cared for by a National Leadership Team and National Director elected by the churches to lead our organisational structures, and provide support, resources, and special events for our Pastors and Churches. This includes the oversight of our international mission programme and the support of our Global Partners celebrated during Global Impact Week.
We are active members of the Alliance World Fellowship with ministries in almost 90 countries, including 22,000 churches with 6.3 million members speaking 180 languages and dialects.

The Marsden Cross at Oihi Bay in Northland commemorates the site of the first Christian service held in New Zealand by Rev Samuel Marsden on 25th December 1814. Marsden was invited to New Zealand by Nga Puhi chief Ruatara and the first mission station was established in this area soon afterwards. Alliance Pastors visited this site during our annual leadership retreat in December 2017.